Upon submission of your manuscript, you will be asked to select one of the following tracks that most closely aligns with the topic of your work. If no particular track best suits your manuscript, you may select the ‘general papers’ option. If you are submitting a panel discussion, you may select the ‘general papers’ option.
Any paper from a student (graduate or undergraduate) may be submitted to one of the below listed tracks. Within the paper submission site you will be able to check a box confirming that the paper’s primary author or investigator is a student, so that it can be considered for a student award.
Branding + Strategy
+ Marketing Management
Papers related to any aspect of organizational and corporate strategy, marketing management or branding are encouraged.
Consumer Behavior +
Consumer data
Papers pertaining to any aspect of demographics, consumer behavior research methods (PLSR, SEM, Fuzzy Logic, etc.), STP, customer journeys, or neuro-marketing are encouraged.
Cross-cultural + MULTICULTURAL
Culture shapes the way people think, feel and act. Marketers must therefore consider culture’s influences on the consumer decision-making process and how it affects the way consumers interpret and respond to marketing messages. This track welcomes scholarly work on topics that explore cultural influences on marketing in both local and international contexts. Papers may explore cross-cultural or multicultural consumer behavior, as well as papers that focus on studies in global marketing.
Papers covering all aspects of entrepreneurship and small business from new venture formation, institutional, sustainable to social entrepreneurship as well as self-employment/marketing phenomena. Topics may discuss diversity, design, innovations, low income markets, regional marketing challenges or emerging markets.
General Papers &
PANEL DiscussionS
If you would like to chair a panel session on a particular topic within marketing, you can submit the panel concept along with a set of potential panelists that you would be willing to organize for this purpose.
Marketing analytics
Papers related to marketing analytics, big data, data mining, marketing research, predictive analysis, marketing metrics are encouraged.
Marketing Education +
The Dynamic Business School
Papers are encouraged that introduce or promote ideas, information, and teaching/learning strategies and technologies pertaining to the process of educating marketing students. Additionally, papers might include topics around the management of business schools or marketing programs.
Marketing technology
Papers related to marketing technology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, meta verse, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs are encouraged.
NON-Profit MArketING
+ Marketing Ethics + CSR
Papers concerning non-profit marketing, issues in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, or consumer welfare are encouraged. Suggested topics include strategic communication, promotion, and consumer engagement in non-profit organizations; stakeholder, international, an cultural issues in marketing ethics; value creation, social factors, outcomes, and perceptions of CSR.
Professional Selling
+ Sales Management + PROMOTION + ADVERTISING + B2B
Papers focus on the professional sales environment or business market are encouraged; topics may include sales planning, analytics, leadership, strategy, salesforce allocation, selling models, sales enablement, social selling, compensation, training, optimization, pipeline management, global sales management, business buying and buyer behavior, B2B brand strategy, business relationships and networks. Papers focusing on promotions and advertising in any medium are encouraged. Both conceptual and empirical papers are accepted.
Service Marketing
Papers pertaining to the general topic of service marketing & retailing. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the organizational frontline, customer experience, customer relationships, service delivery, service recovery, the sharing economy, and service innovation.
Social Media +
Digital Marketing
Papers pertaining to digital and social media marketing, including internet, mobile, and direct marketing, and their impact on the market environment and implications for marketing activities.
SportS Marketing
Papers on the marketing of sport (such as fan behavior, ticketing, sales, sports suppliers or retailers, sport participation, media) or marketing through sport (such as sponsorship, licensing, endorsements, naming rights). Papers may focus on any level of sports (professional major leagues, professional minor leagues, collegiate, etc.)
SUpply Chain +
Papers on how organizations design and coordinate the networks through which customers get, use, deliver, and dispose of material goods; acquire and distribute services; and maintain contact with customers, clients, and suppliers. A special emphasis in this track on industry analyses, customer relationship management and supplier relationship management.